weight loss dietary supplements



Component Information:

» R-Alpha Lipoic
Acid Borage Oil/GLA
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)


R-Alpha Lipoic Acid

First discovered in 1950, scientists immediately knew that it was a significant find. Labeled as an antioxidant in 1988, Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) has been used for years to treat disease, improve the health of skin, hair and nails, protect the brain against cellular damage and actually boost mental ability and vision!

Alpha Lipoic Acid is constructed from two enantiomers, r (+) and s (-). Recent studies have shown that the r (+) component by itself is far superior to the regular racemic mixtures, which is what you find at the health food/vitamin store. Not only is it faster acting and more easily absorbed, but it also three to ten times more powerful and efficient than its weaker roommate as a glucose disposal agent. Therefore, on top of being the ultimate antioxidant, the r (+) has the ability to take carbohydrates and burn them as energy instead of storing them as fat. This means that after the carbohydrates are ingested and converted to glucose, instead of being stored and deposited as fat, they are shuttled around your body and into your cells to be burned as energy.

There is a long list of benefits of r (+) Alpha Lipoic Acid, some have even gone as far to call it the "universal antioxidant". Below are some of the health benefits of taking r (+) alpha lipoic acid...

» Helps make vitamin C and E work better
» A powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals
» Increases glutathione which helps with detoxification


Borage Oil/GLA

GLA works in two ways to burn fat. In overweight people there is an under active fat known as brown adipose tissue. GLA activates this fat and in turn it burns calories. GLA also activates the ATPase metabolic process, commonly referred to as the "sodium pump".  GLA can stimulate this metabolic process to use up nearly 50% of the body's total calories.

Recent studies have shown that obesity is linked to low GLA levels and that by supplementing with GLA these levels can be normalized and corrected. A study in the Journal of Nutrition confirmed that dietary GLA can reduce body fat by both increasing the metabolism of brown adipose tissue and by affecting the enzymes involved in the metabolism of fat and glucose. Not only will GLA help burn fat but it will also help reduce appetite, much like 5-HTP does, by elevating serotonin levels and making you feel full.

Dr. David Horrobin, a professor of medicine at the University of Montreal, called GLA "a safe, non-drug way to stimulate the body's metabolic activity and burn off fat." He believe that nearly 1/3 of all overweight people are metabolically impaired, interfering with the burning of excess calories.

A study conducted by Dr. M.A. Mir, a consultant and researcher at the Welsh National School of Medicine in Cardiff, proved just how effective GLA was for weight loss. In a 6-week study his subjects lost from 9 to 11 pounds!

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

When first discovered, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) caused quite a commotion in the field of science. Besides being a more powerful anti-carcinogen than any other fatty acid, research done on CLA showed that it was extremely effective at reducing body fat, decreasing fat deposition - especially on the abs - and enhancing muscle growth.

By improving insulin sensitivity, much like r(+) ALA, glucose is transported past fat tissue and into your muscle cell membranes where it is used as energy for your muscles. CLA also has the ability to make your metabolism perform like it did when you were a teenager. As we all know, after you graduate high school you usually also graduate the phase of your life where you can eat anything you want without repercussions.

Many scientists point the blame for America's current state of obesity on a lack of CLA in the diet. Due to the feeding practices of cattle, there is a deficiency of CLA in meat and milk and on top of that Americans as a whole are consuming less meat and milk than in years past.

Just some benefits of CLA?
» Increases metabolic rate
» Decreases abdominal fat
» Enhances muscle growth
Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take two capsules with 8 ounces of water in the morning (or as directed by a physician).

Do not exceed six (6) capsules Per day: Consult your physician before using this product. Do not take if you are pregnant or nursing. Keep out of reach of children. Not recommended for persons under the age of 18. Do not take if being treated for high blood pressure, heart disease, renal disease, liver disease, on oral anticoagulant therapy, are allergic to chocolate, or have a known or suspected hypersensitivity to caffeine. Consult with your physician before use if you are taking any prescription drug, dietary supplement, if you have diabetes or any other medical condition. Some people may experience a temporary flush due to the Niacin in this product. Mild indigestion or stomach upset may occur in some individuals. For best results, use as part of a healthy diet and exercise program. As with any drug, consult with your physician before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children. Not recommended for persons under the age of 18.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. FDA Phone #1-888-463-6332 www.fda.gov

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Regular exercise and proper nutrition are essential to achieving your desired physique transformation. There are no typical results. The Lifestyles Group products are intended to supplement your exercise and nutrition program. Throughout The Lifestyles Group website, there are some health claims made. Some scientific evidence suggests these claims to be true, however, the FDA has determined that there is little scientific evidence supporting these claims and therefore are not conclusive.

As with any drug, consult with your physician before using this product. Keep out of reach of children. Not recommended for persons under that age of 18 years.
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